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Mulgara Viewer

The Mulgara ViewerTM is a web-based query interface for Mulgara. It allows you to execute iTQLTM commands and then view the results in formatted HTML.

With Mulgara is running, you can access the Mulgara Viewer by opening your web browser and entering a URL of http://<host name>:<port>/webui/ where <host name> is the server name and <port> is the HTTP port you started TKS with. The default port is 8080. For example, with Mulgara running on your local system on port 8080, the URL is http://localhost:8080/webui/.

See the Mulgara Configuration File section in the Administrator Guide for more information on starting Mulgara with a different host name and port.

The resources displayed from queries made to the Mulgara Viewer are links, that when clicked on allow you to traverse the RDF graph in the model.

Clicking on a resource in a query result executes three additional queries, with each query varying the role of the resource as a constraint on the subject, predicate and object. This allows you to see where the resource has been used in any statement in the model. Literals only ever form the object part of an RDF statement so clicking on a literal causes the execution of just one query which shows all statements in which the literal is the object.

TKS Viewer First Screen

The Mulgara Viewer screen (shown above) includes the following elements:


See Also

Mulgara Sample Data

Loading Existing RDF Data

Converting XML Data to RDF


Mulgara Sample Data

As stated previously, the Example Queries field contains eight example iTQLTM commands that allow you to:

Executing the example commands in order walks you through a simple tutorial on how to use the Mulgara ViewerTM and iTQL.

Each time you select one of the example commands, the Mulgara Viewer places a command into the Query Text field. You can edit the command as required, before submitting it with the Submit Query button.


Example Commands

The first example command, Step 1. Create a Model, creates a new model called sampledata in the Mulgara database on your local system.

A model in an RDF database is analogous to a table in a relational database. That is, it is a container to hold data. Models group RDF statements together, allowing you to manage the metadata.

Viewer Step 1

Click on the Submit Query button to submit this query and create the model.

Viewer Step 1 Result

The second example command, Step 2. Load Data into the Model, loads sample data into the Mulgara model just created. The sample data is embedded in the Mulgara JAR file, so the URL used in the iTQLTM command is a JAR URL with an embedded file: URL.

Viewer Step 2

The third example command, Step 3. List Everything in the Model, lists all the statements just loaded.

Viewer Step 3

The fourth example command, Step 4. List the News Articles, lists the RSS news summaries in the model.

Viewer Step 4

The remaining example commands (Steps 5 to 8) demonstrate how to load RDF Schemas and use them in iTQL commands, and then drop all created models, which also removes all data stored in them.

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